“On Saturday, February 11, 2023, the celebration of the World Day
of legumes at the National School of Agronomics
(ENSA), organized by students from the Department of Plant Production, members of Ecoclub:
-Miss ABDI Nesrine;
-Miss HADJERES Manel Rasha;
– Miss IHADADENE Selma;
– Miss ZAOUCHE Rania.
The day began with 4 communications held by teachers
–researchers from our school: Dr ASSASSI Sami, Pr TELLAH Sihem and Pr
LAOUAR Meriem as well as the doctoral student Mr GHEZAL Karem Allah Nabih from
“Plant Production” department. There was also installation of
different stalls:
– Tasting of dishes based on legumes and hummus of a Algerian brand called El Hana snacks;
-Exhibition of food legume seeds collected by the team of research by Pr TELLAH Sihem;
– Stand reserved for nutrition presented by Miss HADDADI Nour El Houda,
ENSA-certified nutritionist;
– Space reserved for games.
This day was an opportunity for students to learn more about
the importance of legumes in Algeria and the stake they represent on the
international scene.”