Student Space Creation of a Moodle account Creation of a wifi account E-Learning Timetable Student news ???????? AgrI Challenge 2024: Official Announcement ???????? 06/02/2024 We are happy to announce AgrI Challenge 2024, a collaborative hackathon on agriculture and artificial intelligence. Organized by ENSA and ENSIA, this edition focuses on AI-driven plant recognition. Participants will also enjoy keynote conferences and […] Scholarship renewal note 05/09/2024 Olive trees collction plantation in the Central farm of ENSA 04/29/2024 Olive trees collction plantation in the Central farm of ENSA under the supervision of Pr. Sihem Telalh. Olive trees collction plantation in the Central farm of ENSA UNDP Innovation Challenge 04/25/2024 University marathon 04/15/2024 Eid al-Fitr congratulation 04/08/2024 Kaada Filaha 3 03/28/2024 Kaada Filaha 2 03/21/2024 Kaada Filaha 1 03/13/2024 ENSA-INCUBATOR CHALLENGE 3rd EDITION 02/18/2024 The incubator of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique is pleased to announce the launch of applications for the ENSA-Incubator Challenge 3rd Edition. If you have an innovative project in Agriculture, Agri-food, Environment and Biodiversity or […] Agronova event 02/14/2024 On February 13 th, 2024 the Scientific Cultural and Scientific Club Agronova organized in the plant production department a technical day under the banner: “plant innovation for a sustainable future” with the presence of masters, teachers […] DZ culture is an event celebrated in march 9th 03/12/2023 DZ culture is an event celebrated in march 9th, 2023 by the scientific club Palma of ENSA which showed the diversity of the Algerian culture with the participation of students of many Algerian backgrounds (Sahraoui, Chaoui, Asimi, and Kabyle).Through […] Programming competition for undergraduate students 10/04/2022 Student Clubs Agro Nova Eco club GreenEnsa Palma Club